谷歌GOOGLE邮箱GMAIL点名网易邮箱大师等客户端 2019-07-01 Website News 暂无评论 2196 次阅读 Gmail虽好,但奈何墙高,一般我们都是用一些国产的客户端来代收Gmail的邮件(注意,一定是国产,因为常规的客户端对于Gmail一般是没有特殊处理的,即国外代收服务器,因此墙的存在也会阻碍收发邮件),但是最近收到邮件,大家常用的一款软件“网易邮箱大师”受到了Google的格外关照。Google的邮件写的比较模糊,貌似是网易邮箱大师需要在2019年7月15日前进行修改以满足Google的隐私要求,否则将无法访问Google的内容。今天也看到有网友说网易邮箱大师无法收发Gmail邮件,应该是官方在调整软件和服务器的配置,大家可以稍微等等。此外,除了网易邮箱大师大家也可以试试别家的软件,比如Yomail(微魔在用)。不过目测,受到此次影响的还有MiMail(小米手机自带的邮箱客户端) 谷歌邮箱点名网易邮箱大师 Google官方邮件如下 Hi, Although you don’t need to do anything, we wanted to let you know that the following apps may no longer be able to access some data in your Google Account, including your Gmail content. If these apps are unable to meet the deadline to comply with our updated data policy requirements, they'll lose access to your Account starting July 15th, 2019. 网易邮箱大师 We are making this change as part of ongoing efforts to make sure your data is protected and private. You can always view, manage and remove apps you’ve given access to your account by visiting your Google Account. Thanks, The Google Accounts team 标签: none 本作品采用 知识共享署名-相同方式共享 4.0 国际许可协议 进行许可。